Our TFT animated film has been nominated for the Charity Film Awards 2017, which is great news and gives us a chance to highlight the plight, shout loudly and advocate for change for the worst best kept secret of our generation. It is time to end the silence for children in institutionalised care. Reuniting a child, quite often abandoned through poverty from an orphanage with their family and witnessing pure rekindled love and joy is almost beyond words It is what we strive to achieve in TFT every day. We give families a lifeline to be together and stay together, and offer them a hand up to become self-supporting, not just a hand out, and help prevent abandonment in poor communities.
We need your help to do more.
Please take a moment to show you care, and register your vote to help us get our message further, so that we can encourage new childcare policies and infrastructure to introduce an alternative family and foster care programme so that many more children understand the meaning of the words ‘family’, ‘belong’ in a ‘home’ and go to ‘school.’ It is hard to imagine how many children don’t even have the chance to go outside and breathe the air.Link to register to vote: https://www.charityfilmawards.com/register
Link to our page: https://www.charityfilmawards.com/videos/keeping-families-together