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Most children in orphanages have families who love and want them, but are born into poverty, or with a disability, in a location where families have little or no support.

With access to health and social care, it is hard to imagine making the decision to place your child in an orphanage or institution. But for many families, there is no choice. 


At Their Future Today, we have seen that extreme poverty is the main reason children are placed in orphanages.


Circumstances such as war or natural disaster, discrimination or disability exacerbate the issue and force desperately poor parents to seek help. Without support, their only option is to put their child in an orphanage.


Orphanages take children out of poor families with the promise of food, education or healthcare that their parents can’t access – or feel they are unable to give.


When you are struggling to feed your family, the burden of having to travel to access the right healthcare or education for your child seems impossible. With a lack of local infrastructure and support, it often is.


Sadly, the reality is that even in orphanages, children can be neglected and exposed to serious abuse and harm. They are often traumatised by their experiences. 


This all means that many children end up institutionalized,  and emotionally damaged for life.


But this shocking global problem has an affordable solution.


With support, most families could care for their children.

And children without families can be looked after in foster or adoptive families, or in small group homes.

Sri Lanka after Tsunami in 2004



No child should live in poverty

No child should be alone


Our footprint is small but our impact is big and our voice is being heard at the highest levels to make every child count.


We are working towards social change and collaborating with global specialist partners to advocate and raise awareness of the harm caused to  children in orphanages and share

Alternative Family and Foster Care knowledge 

by providing training at the highest level to 

National Childcare Services, the Judiciary, law students, political leaders, civil society organizations, faith groups, universities, local NGO's  and communities to keep families together where it is safe and possible.


This emergence of knowledge has created a new and TransFormaTional understanding 


Children Belong in Loving Families,

Not Orphanages


Orphanage baby
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